What is FATF | Is Pakistan On FATF List?

Answer Is Yes ,

Pakistan was retained on the grey list In FATF , What is FATF stand for?

FATF means Financial Action Task Force. Pakistan Hit 37.5$ Billion Loss Due to FATF.

According to Pakistan Government Pakistan Fulfill all the required FATF Rules but still FATF team not release Pakistan from gray list

According to source US is not happy to relese Pakistan from Fatf because US need Air Bases In Pakistan but PTI Pakistan Government And Imran Khan refuse to gave any furture bases to America

Pakistan Loses more than 100$ billion Dollor in 20 year un resulting War in Afghanistan.

Pakistan Say NO More To US . Biden And US CIA  Approach Imran khan too many times but PM Khan Refuses.

Recently Imran Khan Interviwed By HBO Host Jonathan PM Khan Answer when The HBO Anchor Question Did You Allow CIA to Have bases in pakistan PM Imran Reply Absolutely NOT

Absolutely NOT is Top Trend for 1 Week Imran Khan Always Against War.

PM khan Believe War Is Not Solution Of Peace Dilougue Is the only solution of Afghanistan.


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